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Materiality and MacGuffins


Updated: May 3, 2020

These next few research sheets begin to investigate the relationship between MacGuffins and their material existence. Using both new and existing references, I begin to try and pinpoint physical aspects of MacGuffins and assess the importance of materiality in serving the MacGuffin's purpose. Something that I bring to focus is the idea that some MacGuffins have transferable value, and can serve their purpose in more than the one phsyical form they are presented in. I think that this brings into question how physicality is used in my definition of a MacGuffin (an object/place that provides motivation to a narrative's characters, consequently setting the story into motion). I would like to explore this idea further, while still investigating the definition of a MacGuffin and its purpose in narrative.

You can scroll through my research sheets in the slideshow below, and under this are visual references I have collected.

In response to the transferability of value and MacGuffins, I did some tests to explore how the same label is applied to different objects. The language used for the label was selected in order to illustrate the way in which the audience learns of the value of the MacGuffin: it is pursued, and therefore it must be desired. This is the opposite order to the experiences of the character, who's pursuit is driven by desire.

I then did some shadow tests in order to experiment with how the language could be put on to the objects. I wanted to do this physically rather than editing on the language after, playing with the idea that being pursued and desired is part of the physical properties of the MacGuffin.

New sources: Alfred Hitchcock interview, Snowden film, 39 Steps

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